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Wrist Bands

We would like to congratulate the following children on achieving wrist bands for their hard work.

6HN Kayla for Courage, Zara and Aizah achieved Bronze awards. Jenson  has achieved a headteachers Award

6HH Chloe for Perseverance, Vassilis for Responsibility. Taya achieved a Bronze award 

5BW Summer for Respect and Reigan for Challenge

5SE Aminah and Ruby for Respect. Harry achieved a Headteachers Award

4EG Damilola, Rayyan and Aiza for Courage

4LG Lexie for Challenge and Renae for Perseverance

3KH Ella for responsibility and Jae for Perseverance

3EM Enya and Max for Challenge. Emma, Tavion, Mustapha and Jacob achieved a Headteachers Award. Felix and Bella achieved an assistant headteachers.
