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Class 3LG

Friday 3rd April


Morning All,

The last day of the term. Did anyone dress up for PE with Joe Wicks this morning? Who has done some baking whilst they have been at home? Cake production has gone through the roof in our house. We've perfected a Victoria Sandwich and have moved on to Lemon Drizzle. If you are allowed (and can get the ingredients) try some baking during the Easter holidays. Follow the instructions from a recipe and weigh out the ingredients carefully.


Mrs Greenough has set you some tasks to do with plants. This is the topic you would have been studying in Science next term.


Try your best to do as many of the outstanding tasks as you can today and then give yourselves a break for the holidays. Although please still read for 15minutes or more each day.


Happy Easter


Mrs Lambley


Good morning all,


Well done to everyone, week 2 and you're over half way through it. I hope you are all managing ok. It is nice to see Aminah and Elijah logging on to Purple Mash. There are plenty of activities for you to do!


As no one has completed the 2Code activity and most still have the Kennings poetry (See the Powerpoint at the bottom of yesterday's post.) and Science to do, I have just added one reading activity for tomorrow. The story and activities will continue, so make sure you read it each day. I have enjoyed reading the recipes (instructions) for the medicine you would create. Have a go if you haven't already written one.


If you are having difficulties completing the activities, then your parents can email the school office and I will try to help if I can.


Don't forget English with Holly on Facebook tomorrow at 11am (or you can watch later). It is about creating characters, which is something we would have been doing in the near future. Are you dressing up on Friday for PE with Joe Wicks? We are in our house!


Happy Thursday


Mrs Lambley


Wednesday 1st April 2020


A pinch and a punch, the first of the month (and no return)! I just thought I'd say that before you try anything.laugh

Well, this is no joke is it? but we have to make the best of it. Don't forget to trick your parents before midday.


I've added a few different tasks for today. There's a couple of science activities about rocks and soils. Try them out, if you are not happy with your score, then have another go.

Additional to this, there is another literacy task. If you have completed writing instructions for making a medicine, you can go on to learn about Kennings poetry. At the end of my daily chat is a Powerpoint explaining what a Kennings poem is. Go through each slide and then go on to Purple Mash to see if you can write your own.

I have also set some 2coding tasks. These are similar to the programming you were doing in class during computer lessons. Remember each task has a short video of instructions if you are stuck on how to complete each task.

Remember to keep practising on TTRockstars.


Enjoy your day!


Mrs Lambley

Kennings Powerpoint


Morning 3LG,

You're doing so well. Every day more and more are logging on to Purple Mash and completing the tasks. The following children have already started the literacy task set: Dylan P, Charlie, Daisie, Thomas, Chenkai and Ruby.

I have set some maths tasks relating to angles and symmetry. For some of you there's practise of number bonds.

Please remember to keep telling your friends about Purple Mash. If anyone is having an issue logging on they can contact the office via email and I will do my best to help.

#Stay Safe

Mrs Lambley



Good morning everyone,

It makes my day, when I look on Purple Mash and see that so many of you have had a go at some of the tasks. Word must be getting around as over the weekend I can see that Chloe S, Dylan, Kaitlyn, Nathan and this morning, Lucie have all had a go at some or all of the maths and literacy tasks.

I have left comments on all the tasks that I can access. Unfortunately, it won't let me leave a comment on some of the tasks, it just shows me you score. If you got some wrong and I haven't been able to leave a comment perhaps you could look again and see where you made a mistake.

Have any of you tried 'English with Holly'? Your parents will need to log in to their Facebook account to find it. At 11am each day there is a live literacy lesson, which lasts for half an hour. There are a range of tasks to choose from once you have completed the lesson. You do not need to do the lesson live, as the recordings are all saved in the video section of her page. My son has been doing them - he doesn't want to listen to me all day!

I have set some new tasks today on Purple Mash. The maths tasks are about comparing and naming angles and the literacy task is writing instructions. We had just completed this before school closed. If you cast your mind back to when I read George's Marvellous Medicine you will recall all the things George found around his house, shed and garage to give to Grandma. Look around your house, what might you put in your medicine?

Make sure you have found a good book to read. Reading a little (or a lot!), every day will help.

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Lambley


Good morning 3LG


I was so excited yesterday to see that some of you have completed the tasks I set you yesterday. Well done to Faye, Harry, Harrison, Maya and Thomas. I have made some comments about the work you have done. Please be patient with me, I am still learning to navigate my way around Purple Mash!

Today I have set 2 main tasks. The first is a maths task about shape. For some it is about perimeter and other are testing their knowledge of properties of shape. The second task is a grammar one about punctuating direct speech. We did this a few weeks ago, so is a bit of a refresher. Don't forget to go on TTRockstars (Mrs Greenough is watching you!)

If you are in touch by phone/social media etc with anyone else in our class, tell them to check out our class page on Newsome Junior School's website and to log in to Purple Mash.

Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Lambley







Morning 3LG,

Well done to those of you who have been on Purple Mash and Classroom Secrets. I have commented on some of the work you have done. Have a go at the tasks set in `2dos' on Purple Mash.

I hope you have been able to enjoy the sunshine today if you have a garden. I have been making a den - with my son - in our garden, using sticks, string, pegs and sheets. We had our tea whilst sitting in it!

How are you doing in PE with Joe Wicks? I thought it was hard on the legs today, mine are still aching.

Stay safe and be nice to your family.

Mrs Lambley



Hello 3LG,

I am missing you. I am so sorry that I didn't have the chance to see you all before school closed. I hope your first few days at home have been ok and you are all keeping safe and well.

I have set 2 tasks on Purple Mash, maths and grammar. They are related to themes we have done this term. For a few of you I have set an additional maths task. Have a go!

Make sure you do some reading every day and discuss what you have read with an adult - maybe ring a grandparent you cannot visit at the moment and tell them about your book.

This is a good time to practise on TTRockstars for 10 minutes each day - you'll be an expert by the time we return to school!

Have you taken part in PE with Joe Wicks? I did this arms ache!

Enjoy your day and I'll update this page tomorrow.

Mrs Lambley

Practical Maths linked to measure

Friday 20th March 2020


3LG have continued to work hard this week and should be proud of themselves. 


In Maths, the children were provided with two challenging activities; 


1. Drawing shapes that had the same area and perimeter 

2. Designing a bridge using 4 newspapers and 1 roll of sellotape to hold up to 500g. 


The first activity was a but tricky but you all showed perseverance, which is one of our core values. 


Congratulations to Amelia, Harry, Charlie and Ruby. Their bridge held up to 2kg in weight, wow! 


In English, the children had a go at writing instructions independently. So many of the children remembered the features and structure, which was impressive. 


Congratulations to Seren for achieving the kindness band. 


Have a lovely and safe weekend! 


Mrs Mitchell 


Tasting Chinese food - What a fabulous afternoon!

Spellings Wk Beg. 9/3/20

Spellings Wk Beg 2.3.20

Maths Homework 4.3.20

Maths Homework 26.2.2020

Spellings Wk Beg 24.2.20

Science - we measured how much water filtered through different types of soil.

Orienteering in the Classroom!

Wk Beg 10.2.20 Spellings

Comparing Creation Stories from Different Faiths

Maths Homework 5.2.20

Comparing Fractions

Week Beginning 3.2.20


This week, in Literacy we have been writing a warning story. The class have been thinking about the dangers of the canal, which is the setting for their story. Have a look at an example of Maya's great writing.


I am delighted that more children have made an effort to learn their spellings this week. We have 7 Super Spellers who achieved full marks in their test. The class have been set the challenge to beat this next week! See this week's spellings below.


In R.E. we have been learning about the story of The Creation. So far children have learned about the Jewish, Christian and Islamic beliefs. They have made comparisons between the stories, as well as comparing what they believe The Garden of Eden and Paradise was like, with our world today.


An extremely cold day on Monday meant that we stayed in the classroom for P.E. However, the children still had fun working as a team on their orienteering skills, learning mapping symbols. If you get a chance to look at an OS map with your child they could point out some of the symbols they have learned.

Spellings Wk Beg 3.2.20

Story Writing

27.1.20 Take a look around the classroom

Maths Homework 20.1.20

Circuit Training - Can we improve our fitness this term?

A sample of literacy and numeracy work from this week

Spellings Wk Beg 20.1.20

Mr Wang came to visit 3LG to talk about China - Friday 17th January 2020.

Maths Family Learning Wednesday 15th January 2020

Week Beg 13.1.20 Maths Homework

This week in Literacy we started to look at stories that have an element of danger about them. Children have begun to think about warnings that are given and the impact they have if ignored. Have a look at the images and talk to your child about why warnings are necessary at these places.


Wk Beg 13.1.20 Spellings

Maths Homework 6.1.20

Spring Term Overview

Happy New Year!


Welcome to the Spring Term 2020. We have a few changes in Class 3LG starting this term. We welcome Mrs Taylor, who is our classroom support. She will be working both in the classroom and running interventions to support the children's learning.


Our P.E. days have changed. P.E. is now on Mondays and Wednesdays, although it is helpful if children leave their P.E. kit in school for the half term.


We spent Monday afternoon being creative. Children thought about resilience and their aspirations and created feathers, which will be used to create whole school wings, encouraging them to be courageous and strive to achieve their dreams. 


Welcome Parents and Carers to 3LG's page. As you are already aware Mrs Lambley teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Greenough teaches Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Mohiuddin supports in class all week and Mrs Porter teaches RE and PSHE every Wednesday.

Week Beg 16.12.19

Congratulations to Chenkai, who was our sole Super Speller this week. Let's make sure he has some company at the top in January!

Christmas Party

Week Beginning 9.12.19

The Ordinary Ox
