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Carry My Story

Mr Noori visited our school!

Carry My Story Identity Boxes- Thank you to all of the wonderful parents/carers who joined us in 4EG to make our identity boxes, they are incredible!

4EG Trip to Slaithwaite- A wonderful day had by all!

I am, I wonder Poems about us and Coat of Arms!

Creating a Safe Space for Dialogue

Carry My Story 2024


Carry My Story is an exciting project involving over 20 schools across Kirklees. Children are linking with one another and with their communities to share stories and experiences in order to meet people they don’t already know and learn more about them. It is a way of celebrating the differences and similarities between us all and making new friends. Our school is one of the chosen Kirklees schools and from this term onwards 4EG will be linking with a year ¾ class at Slaithwaite Junior and Infant School. We would like to encourage a whole school approach therefore all classes will be involved in assemblies about the project and we will also be inviting parents in to make identity boxes with their children.


As part of the project, we will be meeting the children from Slaithwaite, in person and possibly digitally. The children will be asking: Who am I? Who are we? Where do we live? How do we all live together? It would be lovely if family members and carers could help the children to gather information and family stories to help them understand their own history and identity. Some of this information and stories (at their choice) will be shared with their link schools. This year each child in 4EG has a partner from Hazel Class at Slaithwaite.


In the Sping/Summer term, the children will also have the opportunity to meet a refugee or refugee family who will come into school and share their story. Before meeting them, the children will receive a decorated story box and hand made book from the visitor to look at so they can ask them any questions on the visit. Parents/carers will be invited to this event if they wish to attend (dates to follow).


Finally, there will be a finale event in late June for the children to attend where all the link schools will come together and tell the story of the refugee and one story from our link school, we do this using drama to act out the stories and perform it at the event.

