Week Beginning 13.7.20
Good morning,
What a very strange end to your time in Year 3. Our last week and Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Greenough and myself have hardly seen anyone from our classes. Hopefully, we will see some of you at the transition or Zoom gatherings this week.
Here's the final week of Year 3 work. Have a fabulous summer holiday and we will see you all again in September.
Mrs Lambley
Monday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/character-description-reading-comprehension-compare
Tuesday - Spelling – Adding a suffix https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks2-wonderful-words-suffixes-part-1/zdnd7nb
Wednesday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/character-description-spag-focus-similes
Thursday – GPS Paragraphs in Reports Follow the Powerpoint and then choose the appropriate worksheets. You will need to complete one column only from Application and Reasoning and one from Varied Fluency.
Monday – Capacity and Volume Work through the Powerpoint ‘Measuring in Millilitres and then choose a worksheet to complete.
Tuesday – Reading Scales – Look at the Maths knowledge organizer first. Then have a go at reading some scales on the worksheet. Choose an appropriate level – 1, 2 or 3 stars.
Wednesday – Add & Subtract capacity – Look at the Powerpoint - You will need the potion sheet open and then look at the problem sheet. Can you be a capacity wizard?!
Thursday – Arithmetic – Test 5
Science – Vertebrates and Invertebrates Watch the videos and then have a go at the quiz which is underneath the video
P.E. Chance to Shine – Lesson 7 Click on the link to watch the video and see the activities you can practice.
RE – Passover and the Seder Plate
Watch the video and then have a go at creating your own Seder plate. I have attached 2 worksheets to help you plan the meal.
Week Beginning Monday 6th July
Hello Year 3,
I hope the weather improves this week and brings us some sunshine. My garden has had enough watering from the rain and the fruit and vegetables I'm growing need some more sunshine now to flourish.
Listed below are this week's tasks for you to have a go at. Remember you to ask your parents to email in any work you are proud of.
Have a good week
Mrs Lambley
Week Beginning 6.7.20
Literacy – Character Descriptions
Tuesday – Spellings – Work through the Powerpoint and choose the appropriate level sheets. Complete a Varied fluency and Application and Reasoning.
Thursday – GPS – Paragraphs Work through the Powerpoint and choose the appropriate level sheets. Complete a Varied Fluency and Application and Reasoning.
Monday – Mass – Calculating intervals on scales. Work through the Powerpoint and then choose the most appropriate level worksheets to complete, one from Varied Fluency and the other from Reasoning and Problem Solving. The answers are attached at the end of the worksheets.
Tuesday – Mass Reading Scales. Work through the Powerpoint and then choose the most appropriate level worksheets to complete, one from Varied Fluency and the other from Reasoning and Problem Solving. The answers are attached at the end of the worksheets.
Wednesday – Comparing Mass. Work through the Powerpoint and then choose the most appropriate level worksheets to complete, one from Varied Fluency and the other from Reasoning and Problem Solving. The answers are attached at the end of the worksheets.
Thursday – Adding and subtracting mass. Work through the Powerpoint and then choose the most appropriate level worksheets to complete, one from Varied Fluency and the other from Reasoning and Problem Solving. The answers are attached at the end of the worksheets.
Friday – Arithmetic – See the attached worksheet – There is no need to print out the sheet, calculations and answers can be completed on a separate piece of paper.
Topic – Ancient Greece – The Greeks at War
Click on the link below to find out about what an Ancient Greek soldier looked like and some of the battles that occurred.
Can you draw a Trireme (Ancient Greek War Ship). I have included a link to help you know a little bit more about these ships.
R.E. – Judaism –The 10 Plagues
Watch the video below about the 10 plagues sent by God, because the Pharaoh would not let the Hebrew slaves go. Complete the sheet identifying the plagues and how you may have felt if you had been there at the time.
Chance to Shine – Lesson 6 – Skillful Scorer - Click on the link to watch the video and see the activities you can practice.
Week Beginning 29.6.20
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend. It has been lovely to see a few children this week in the key worker bubble and I look forward to the time when I see you all. Please remind your parents to send a quick reply to the class emails, if they haven't done so already. Any work that you would like to share can also be sent to the class email.
This week's work is listed below. Please remember to go on TTRockstars, so that you do not forget all those times tables you learned during the first 2 terms.
Have a good week.
Mrs Lambley
Literacy – Setting Description (including Reading and GPS)
Tuesday – Spellings – y sounds like i – Complete the activity with the robot on the link below.
Wednesday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/setting-description-identifying-the-features-of-a-text-1b014e
Thursday – GPS – What is a paragraph? – Work through the Powerpoint and then choose the worksheet at the appropriate level
Friday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/setting-description-write-a-setting-description-fc305c
Week Beginning 29.6.20
Maths - Time
Monday – Digital Time – 15 minute intervals
Tuesday – Digital Time – 5 minute intervals past the hour - Read through the Powerpoint and complete the first sheet at the appropriate level.
Wednesday – Digital Time – 5 minute intervals to the hour - Read through the Powerpoint and complete the second and third sheets at the appropriate level.
Thursday – The 24 hour clock - Look at the Powerpoint and choose the appropriate level worksheet. There is also an activity set on Purple Mash if you would like to try this instead of the worksheet…or as well as!
Friday - Telling the time using Roman Numerals Look at the Powerpoint and complete the worksheet.
Week Beginning 29.6.20
Other Acitivities:
Science – Human Skeleton
Click on the link below. Watch the video and complete the short activity below it.
Then complete the worksheet, which involves you putting the skeleton together. Alternatively, you can complete the task on Purple Mash.
ICT – Cyber Bullying
Look at Purple Mash 2do. An email has been sent with a picture that has been changed. How would it make you feel if you were sent an email like this from someone you may know? What would you do? How would you respond? What might you say in an email?
PSHE – Picture News – Look at the attached files. After reading the picture news, choose one of the activities.
P.E. - Lesson 5 Ferocious Fielder
Week Beginning 22.6.20
Welcome to a new week Year 3.
I hope you are all keeping well. Thank you to those who have submitted an entry into our Ancient Greek project. There have been some wonderful entries. If you scroll down you can have a look at some of the lovely work that has been done.
Mrs Lambley
Literacy Adventure Story
Monday – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/story-reading-comprehension-predict-and-inference
Tuesday – Spelling activities – Adding the suffix –ian. See separate sheet
Wednesday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/story-identifying-the-features-of-a-text-2ceb38
Thursday – GPS Sequencing sentences.
Look at the Powerpoint and then choose the appropriate level sheets. You need to complete one column from Varied Fluency and one from Application and Reasoning.
Friday - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/story-continue-a-story-6fed7e
Maths – Time - Week Beginning 22.6.20
Monday – 5 minute intervals past the hour. View the Powerpoint and use the blank clock face worksheet. Alternatively after viewing the Powerpoint there are activities on Purple Mash.
Tuesday - 5 minute intervals to the hour. View the Powerpoint and use the blank clock face worksheet. Alternatively after viewing the Powerpoint there are activities on Purple Mash.
Wednesday – Consolidate understanding of telling the time in 5 minute intervals.
Thursday – Am and Pm . View the Powerpoint and then complete the first 2 sheets of the PDF. Alternatively after viewing the Powerpoint there are activities on Purple Mash.
Friday - Arithmetic
Other Activities
PSHE - Water Safety. Watch the video and then look at the picture to see what dangers you can spot.
Topic - Greek Myths - Perseus and Medusa. Watch the story of Perseus and Medusa, then look at the information from Royal Armouries. You can design a helmet or write a newspaper report about the myth.
Art - Drawing Medusa - Have a look at the video. Can you draw Medusa?
P.E. - Cricket - Lesson 4 from Chance to Shine
R.E. - Look at the Powerpoint - Read the story of Moses
Adult to say: When something catches on fire, eventually it will be burned up. It’ll turn black, and eventually be just ashes. The strangest thing of all about the bush that Moses saw was that it was not burned up by the flames. Imagine what Moses must have thought!
Soon things got even weirder. Suddenly Moses heard God speaking to him through the flames! God told Moses that he was standing on holy ground so he must remove his shoes. Let’s read from God’s Word to hear what else the Lord said to Moses.
Read Exodus 3:9: “The cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go, I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
Say: God had a big job for Moses to do!
Discuss with an adult: If you were Moses, how do you think you would have responded to God?
Week Beginning 15.6.20
Happy Monday Year 3,
I hope you are all well, keeping busy and helping out at home too. Don't forget, this is strange for your parents too. I have been repotting tomato plants this weekend - in-between the showers - I hope they don't all produce fruit in the same week. I'll have tomatoes coming out of my ears!
This week's activities are listed below.
Have a good week
Mrs Lambley
Monday See the Powerpoint and letter below. Make sure you are familiar with the features.
Tuesday https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-summary
Wednesday https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/identifying-the-features-of-a-text
Thursday https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-a-letter
Friday Write a letter to someone you would usually see, but have not because of lockdown. It may be a friend or a relative. Tell them about how you have been occupying yourself and what you are looking forward to. Ask an adult to give you the address and write it on an envelope. With the letter inside, put a stamp on it and post it.
This week you are going to solve some problems based on the graphs you looked at last week. If needed, look back at last week's work to remind yourself . See the worksheets below. The answer card is on Friday's sheet.
Other Activities
Science - Play the game with others in your family. It is like Beetle Drive, but about plants. If you don't have dice, use a digital one instead.
ICT - See Purple Mash - You've Won - How would you respond o the email?
PSHE - See the Picture News. Choose the activity that most interests you.
RE - Look at the Powerpoint about Moses. You can also watch the first part (Up to the parting of the sea) of The Prince of Egypt animation on YouTube.
How do you think Moses felt? Write 3 questions that you would ask him about the Exodus.
ICT lesson 2 Tuesday 9th June 2020
Today's lesson will look at stranger danger and how to keep safe online.
Look through the powerpoint below then visit purple mash.
On purple mash you will receive an email from a school friend wanting some advice. How will you respond?
The activity is called Meeting.
Mrs Mitchell
Monday 8th June 2020
Good Morning year 3,
Hope you all had a nice weekend!
I will be adding activities each day on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for Maths, French, ICT, PSHE and RE.
In Maths, we will be moving onto data. We touched on data briefly through ICT, interpreting information from tally charts and tables. In Maths we will look at tally charts, charts, bar charts and Venn diagrams. All activities in Maths will be from Purple Mash. I look forward to seeing your hard work.
Mrs Mitchell :)
Week beginning 8.6.20
Good morning everyone.
A bit drizzly this weekend, but hopefully you have found some good things to do.
A slight change to this week's Literacy work. Below are 5 links, click on one every day, watch the video and complete the tasks. You will need a pencil and piece of paper before you start each day's activity. Do them in order and don't miss a day. Each starts with a quiz for you to complete and then the lesson follows. There will not be any GPS work attached separately this week as one of the Literacy lessons focus' on this.
Tuesday https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/english/poetry-reading-comprehension-inference-year-3-wk3-2
Thursday https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/english/poetry-spag-focus-expanded-noun-phrases-year-3-wk3-4
Friday https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/english/poetry-write-a-sound-poem-year-3-wk3-5
I have attached this week's Guided Reading about Mo Farah. Complete the questions about the text and then choose one or more of the other activities to do.
For later in the week:
Science: Plants investigation
Topic: Olympic Games
Art - Ancient Greek Vase
P.E. - Cricket Lesson 2
Have a fab week Year 3
Mrs Lambley
Friday 6th June
Women in Ancient Greece
This video may help you with your Greek myths project (deadline 17/6/20).
You could make a video presentation, design a poster, or produce a 3D model of Ancient Greece.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Greenough
Maths lesson 4 Friday 5th June 2020
Good Morning Year 3
Today in Maths you will be solving problems involving money.
Challenge 1 is for beginners and challenge 3 is tricky.
The answers are on page 2.
Good luck and have a lovely weekend!
DEADLINE 17/6/20
Mrs Mitchell :)
Are you ready for a challenge? Thursday 4th June 2020
Good Morning Year 3,
Usually we have just 4 activities a day but I have also included Think u know activities and Picture News, which is also part of PSHE. Don't worry if you don't get onto them, you can always look at them before next Thursday.
In Maths you have a mini investigation. Your task is to place a set of coins in a grid so that the total at the end of each row or column is correct. There are 3 activities to choose from, challenge 1 for beginners and challenge 3 for those who want some tricky reasoning. The answers are on page 2.
Mrs Mitchell
Thursday 4th June
Weather and climate
Have a good day,
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 3rd June
Food Chains
Have a good day.
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Year 3,
I hope you have had a good couple of days. The Guided reading, GPS and P.E. lessons are all on the post I put on Monday.
For Literacy today, I would like you to look at the letter you have written as if you are Gregory. You need to edit your letter. First of all check for basic punctuation; full stops, capital letters and exclamation mark. Can you use a comma after an adverbial opener or before a conjunction in a complex sentence? Next, choose 2 phrases that you can improve. Maybe use an additional adjective, or a more ambitious verb. Finally, copy out your edited letter using your neatest handwriting. You may like to add an appropriate border to decorate your work.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
Maths lesson 2
Complete one of the challenges by following the instructions. You can mark this yourself as the answers are on page 2. Challenge 1 is for beginners and challenge 3 is tricky.
Good luck!
Mrs Mitchell
ICT lesson 2
Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis Hill have sent you an email. Log onto Purple Mash, click onto the 2do box and reply to their emails.
Looking forward to reading your reply.
Mrs Mitchell
Good Morning Year 3,
Welcome back to home learning.
I hope you all had a lovely half-term!
I can't wait to see your Greek Myths project ideas.
Remember you have until the 17th July 2020.
In Maths, we will be continuing with money.
Today you will be solving money problems.
There are 5 activities to choose from.
Level 1 is for beginners and level 5 is for those who want a challenge.
Blue - level 1
Green - level 2
Yellow - level 3
Purple - level 4
Red - level 5
See you tomorrow for more Maths and ICT.
Mrs Mitchell
Monday 1st June
Good morning Year 3,
I hope you have had a lovely half term and are enjoying being outdoors in this beautiful weather. I have been on my holidays this week too. We went camping...in our garden!
Guided Reading - You all need to read Page 5 and 6 of the PDF. If you usually work at Expected you will need to complete sections B & C. If you usually work at Greater Depth you will need to complete sections C & D. (These are found on pages 8-10.) Do not do the other sections A-D P11 onwards.
GPS - Look at the Powerpoint and complete the appropriate sheets (Developing, Expected or Greater Depth) from Varied Fluency and Application and Reasoning. You only need to complete one column on each of the sheets.
Literacy - This week you are writing an informal letter. Read the Powerpoint. All the information you need is on it.
P.E. Click on the link below. It will take you to some cricket activities which have been especially developed for you to do whilst at home. Watch the video and then complete Week 1 activities.
Take care
Mrs Lambley
Friday 22nd May
Art and Design
Have a good day.
Mrs Greenough
GREEK MYTHS PROJECT - Friday 22nd May 2020
I am pleased to share the Greeks Myths Project where you can win a prize yippeeee!
I have attached 7 resources to help you with ideas,
Once you have completed, please take a picture and email to the school office.
Good Luck!
Year 3 Team :)
Thursday 21st May
Watch the video - The Greek theatre
Challenge - Make a Greek mask.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 20th May
Enjoy your day
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 20th May
Hello Year 3,
Today's tasks involve you for Literacy following the Powerpoint. The tasks are on the final slide. For Guided Reading I would like you to complete the Truth or Rumour activity. I have included the text 'I was a rat' for you to look at as many times as you need to.
Have a look at Monday's page for PE activities or continue with Joe Wicks PE.
Good luck.
Mrs Lambley
Tuesday 19th May
Morning Year 3,
Everyone OK? Get in touch via the school office email if you are not. We will help you if we can.
Today's Literacy is explained on the Powerpoint. You are going to write a diary entry from Gregory's point of view. Look at all of the slides on the Powerpoint. You will be focussing on one specific day when writing the diary.
Guided Reading continues with I was a Rat by Philip Pullman. Read the text again before you read the questions.
Make sure you get some fresh air too.
Mrs Lambley
Monday 18th May 2020
Good Morning year 3,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I can't believe it is week 5 already.
In Maths we will now be learning about money and we will continue with this after half-term.
Please look through the power point before completing activities.
Mrs Mitchell :)
Monday 18th May
Hello Year 3,
I hope you have had a good weekend. The sun is supposed to shine this week, so make sure you get outside to enjoy some of it.
Today for Literacy I would like you to read the story of Gregory Cool (it's on the Powerpoint). At the end of the story there are some questions for you to discuss with an adult. You do not need to discuss them all. Choose at least 2 from each slide and talk to an adult or older sibling about your thoughts.
Continuing with Direct Speech, I would like you to follow the Grammar Powerpoint and then choose the most appropriate worksheet for you to complete.
Below I have attached a link to The FA with some activities that you may like to take part in for PE. You can send in your achievements to The FA.
Have a good Monday.
Mrs Lambley
Friday 15th May
Drawing and Painting
Have a good day
Mrs Greenough
Thursday 14th May
Latitude and longitude
Enjoy your day
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 13th May
Vertebrates and invertebrates
Take care
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and enjoying some of the tasks you are doing in your home learning.
Today's Literacy involves you writing a character description, using some of the skills you have developed from the GPS work completed in the last 2 weeks.
For Guided Reading you need to re-read 'I was a Rat' and decide which is the best summary of each paragraph.
Make sure you get outside for some fresh air and to practise those ball skills I set on Monday.
Mrs Lambley
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning Year 3,
I hope you are all ok today.
In both literacy and guided reading today, you will be making sure you understand the meaning of words and phrases. For Literacy, follow the Powerpoint until you get to slide 6. In your book write the words/phrases from the right hand column and then select which picture matches to its meaning. Draw an appropriate picture in your book next to the meaning. An extract from 'I was a rat' by Philip Pullman will be this week's focus for guided reading. Read the text through once, then on the second reading underline/write down any words/phrases you are not sure of. Use a dictionary if you have one at home, or the internet to find the meaning. Once you have done this read the text for a third time to ensure you understand the details of it.
Enjoy your day.
Mrs Lambley
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Good Morning year 3,
I hope you enjoyed adding fractions.
Today you will be subtracting fractions.
Remember just to choose 1 activity.
The answers have been included.
If you fancy listening to a story read by myself, click on the link below.
The story went live yesterday morning.
Mrs Mitchell
Monday 11th May 2020
Good Morning year 3,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Today, you will be learning how to add fractions, which we have covered before.
Level 1 - easy level
level 2 - challenge level
Mrs Mitchell :)
Monday 11th May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you had a lovely weekend, enjoying the sunshine on Friday and Saturday.
This week for PE I would like you to practise some hand-eye coordination skills. If you have a ball - a tennis ball, a football, ping pong ball - I would like you to practise catching it. Stand outside, throw it to someone, up in the air, or bounce it on the ground. What makes a catch successful? Think about the position of your body, how to hold your hands, what you need to do as the ball approaches. Once you have found some consistency in catching it, can you increase the difficulty? Clap, touch your nose, bend down before you catch. Can you make up a routine? Build it up. Start with 3 straight catches, then add difficulty. How many times can you repeat the activity without dropping the ball?
For Literacy, we are going to be looking at the story of Gregory Cool this week. Today you are thinking about holidays or day trips you have been on. See the sheet with today's activity on it.
GPS is about Direct Speech. This is to build on the work we did earlier in the year about how to write speech within a narrative.
Take care
Mrs Lambley
Friday 8th May
Design a VE Day 75th Anniversary poster
Have a good day
Mrs Greenough
Thursday 7th May
Time zones
Have a good day.
Mrs Greenough
Thursday 7th May 2020
Good Morning year 3,
Today, I have set 4 activities;
Maths - fractions, decimals and percentages.
This will be a challenge, but I know you can do it.
Choose 1 activity
level 1 - beginners
level 2 - moderate
level 3 - challenge
RE - symbols of colours in Christianity
RE - designing a multi-faith and belief room
French - naming classroom objects
Mrs Mitchell
French lesson 3 naming classroom objects Thursday 7th May 2020
Today, you will be learning names for classroom objects.
Visit the website below
If you get stuck, remember you can click help.
Mrs Mitchell
Wednesday 6th May
What plants need to live
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well. Remember to contact the school office via email if there is something we can help you with. Today's Literacy focuses on alphabetical order. Everything is explained on the Powerpoint. Who can do the final challenge?
For Guided Reading I would like you to focus on paragraphs 6 and 7 of 'The Vacuum Cleaner'. There are some questions to make you think about the meaning of the text.
Don't forget to try out your PE warm up with members of your family (See Monday's PE task). Listen to their feedback, do you need to change anything?
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Good Morning Year 3,
Hope your found the new Maths topic ok. Today you will be learning about hundredths, completing one activity on purple mash.
Today we will also be starting a new topic in ICT - databases.
Your task is complete a quiz about a selection of fruit.
In addition to ICT, I have also included an online safety worksheet with 2 activities.
I will leave your next set of activities on Thursday.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Mitchell
Tuesday 5th May
Hello Year 3,
I hope you are all ok today. I picked some rhubarb yesterday and this afternoon, providing I can get some flour, intend to bake a rhubarb and custard cake Have you have managed to do some baking too?
Today's Literacy task is to edit your explanation text. You should now have at least 3 paragraphs of writing. Go through each one checking for punctuation, (full stops, capital letters, exclamation and question marks). Then highlight any words that you think can be improved on. If you have a thesaurus at home then practise your skills looking up alternative words. If you don't, use an online one.
For Guided Reading you have some questions based on the paragraphs 3 and 4 of The Vacuum Cleaner. You can answer the questions in your book, but remember to write your answers in a full sentence, which includes part of the question.
Wishing you a great day.
Mrs Lambley
Monday 4th May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you have had a nice weekend. I have been on a bike ride this weekend with my family, as well as a walk where we collected some wild garlic. Make sure you look out for what is growing around you when you are outside. The bluebells seem to be in abundance at the moment and the birdsong can be very loud...especially at 5 o'clock in the morning!
Today's Literacy task is to complete the final paragraph of the explanation text. There is also a grammar task (GPS) about prepositions. If you didn't do last week's task, do that before you attempt this one. Choose the most appropriate activity from Classroom Secrets.
For P.E. this week I would like you to put together a warm-up/strengthening programme based on the exercises you selected last week. The whole exercise activity should last about 6-7 minutes, so think how many times/how long each exercise should be repeated. Record your programme in your books. Try it out with members of your family and tweak it if necessary. Remember you need a mix of leg, abdominal (stomach) and arm activities.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
Good Morning Year 3,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
In Maths, this week and next week, we will be learning about decimals and fractions.
Hope you enjoy the activities.
Mrs Mitchell
Friday 1st May
What did the Greeks do for us?
Watch the video, then draw a picture of what you think life was like in Ancient Greece.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Greenough
Picture News Friday 30th May 2020
As part of PSHE, I will also be including another activity called Picture News.
There are 3 activities to choose from as I am late uploading the previous weeks.
I would like you to complete 1, but if you would like to do more, not a problem.
Mrs Mitchell
Thursday 30th April
How do we know what prehistoric Britain was like?
I'd like you to try Activity 2 - Become an archaeologist
Contours, keys and symbols
I'd like you to try Activity 2 - Map symbol match-up
Mrs Greenough
French lesson 2 colours Thursday 30th April 2020
Today, you will be learning the names of colours in French.
Click on the link below and start playing the matching game.
Good luck!
Mrs Mitchell
Wednesday 29th April
Explorify at home: Plants - This collection of activities about plants is ideal to do at home with your little explorers.
Enjoy a good afternoon of Science.
Mrs Greenough
Wednesday 29th April
Hello Year 3,
If you haven't already realised, today is the last of the literacy activities for this week. I would like you to write the second paragraph of your explanation text. Look at the short Powerpoint, which explains everything. For Guided Reading there are some more questions about The Vacuum Cleaner. Read the whole text again before answering the questions.
Make sure you have written/drawn 3 exercises which work your arm and/or stomach muscles. You should have 6 exercises now, which you will need for next week's P.E. work.
If there is anything you have had difficulty with this week, let me, Mrs Greenough or Mrs Mitchell know by emailing the school office. We will help if we can.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Mrs Lambley
Tuesday 28th April
Hello everyone,
I hope you got on ok with yesterday's tasks. Please remember to email the school office if there is something we can help with.
For Literacy today you will be writing the first paragraph of an explanation text. Follow the information in the Powerpoint. Use the WAGOLL to guide your writing, just like we do in class.
For Guided Reading, there is a text to read about a vacuum cleaner. You will then need to answer the questions about paragraph 1. I have left the marks for each question on the sheet, so that you have an idea of how much detail you need to include.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
ICT lesson 2 Branching data
Today, you will be creating a branch on the computer.
Please visit Purple Mash and there you will find an activity called Vegetables incomplete
If you get a little stuck, have a look at the knowledge organiser attached below.
Mrs Mitchell
Morning Year 3
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Today you have Literacy (Boxing Up) and Grammar (Prepositions). The Literacy task is explained on the Powerpoint and there is a Boxing Up sheet you can print out or you can copy the examples in your book. For Grammar, once you have read the Powerpoint complete the sheet that you would usually do in class. The answer sheet (For your parents!) is at the end of the worksheets.
This week's PE I would like you to take part in two more Joe Wicks sessions. Whilst you are working out, choose 3 exercises that work the arms and/or stomach muscles. Add them to the 3 examples you found from last week. Draw a picture and give each exercise a name.
Make sure you get outside and enjoy some fresh air.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
Friday 24th April 2020 Art
Design colourful and realistic vehicles, buildings and masks.
login with username and password
Click on the red 2 do box
Mrs Greenough
Thursday 23rd April 2020 History
How can I be a Historian?
Click on Year 3/P4
Then click on 20th April History - How can I be a Historian?
Thursday 23rd April 2020 Geography
Introduction to maps.
Click on Year 3/P4
Then click on 21st April Geography - Introduction to maps.
Mrs Greenough
Thursday 23rd April 2020 French week 1
This week we will be focusing on recognising numbers.
There are 3 games to choose from:
Basic number recognition numbers 1-10
Number labelling numbers 1-10
Number labelling numbers 11-20
Mrs Mitchell
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Good Morning Year 3 and welcome back.
Hope you all had a safe and lovely Easter.
Today's Science
Bye for now
Mrs Greenough
Good morning Year 3,
If you are reading this, then you have already made a great start to the day.
Explanation text - Today's task is explained on the Powerpoint. You need to write some questions in your book and then give them to someone else to interview you.
Guided Reading - Re-read the excerpt and decide which is the best summary for each paragraph. Then write the 4 best summaries in your book.
Remember to take part in PE with Joe Wicks and choose 3 of the exercises which work your leg muscles. Record them in your book. You can draw a diagram of the exercise and give it a name.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Lambley
Good Morning Year 3,
Hope you found the first Maths activity ok.
In addition to Maths, you will be completing an ICT lesson on branching databases, which is one of our Summer 1 topics.
If you are unable to print out the template to use, you can create a similar version in your books.
Mrs Mitchell :)
Tuesday 21st April
Good morning Year 3. I hope you all got on ok with the tasks yesterday. Today's task for guided reading is written on the prediction sheet. Read the excerpt first and then look at the task. Children in 3LG may remember reading the text last term, but make sure you read it again today. For Literacy, look at the Powerpoint. Read each page carefully and follow the instructions.
Please make sure you are doing some reading each day. You can also listen to David Walliams read one of his short stories https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Enjoy your day.
Mrs Lambley
Good Morning Year 3 and welcome back.
Hope you all had a safe and lovely Easter.
I will be setting activities in Maths, RE, PSHE, French, Arithmetic and ICT.
For these activities I may include a power point presentation, which you will always need to look at first before completing the activities.
Below you will see the first Maths lesson and other lessons planned by Mrs Lambley.
Bye for now
Mrs Mitchell
Welcome back Year 3. I hope you have had a nice break during the Easter holidays and have managed to enjoy some of the lovely warm days going for a walk with your family.
We would like you to take part in Joe Wicks PE this week (It doesn't have to be live, choose any lessons he has done in the last few weeks.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ). As you are doing the exercises think about which muscles you are working. Keep a record of 3 exercises that work your leg muscles, they may be strengthening or stretching your legs.
You have 2 tasks to complete today. I would recommend that you complete the Grammar task first, as this will help you with the Explanation text task.
Grammar - Look at the Powerpoint about Time and Cause Conjunctions. Work through each slide and be creative with your sentences at the end.
Explanation Text - Read the explanation text on the Powerpoint a couple of times. Tell someone what features you can identify. (Hint: If you have completed the grammar work today, there will be lots of things to discuss.) The last slide asks you to write 3 sentences using 'cause' conjunctions.
Saturday 28th March 2020
Hello Year 3,
Work has been set on class pages since Monday 23rd March 2020.
Please visit your class pages Monday to Friday to complete daily activities.
You have access to the following sites:
Classroom secrets
Purple Mash
Remember to keep reading each day and look after yourselves.
Mrs Greenough, Mrs Lambley and Mrs Mitchell :)
3EM week 4
Well done to Abdullah for achieving 10 out of 10 on his weekly spellings.
Arithmetic scores have improved and remember you can play TTRS at home for free!
Very impressed with how much reading the children are doing, changing their books up to three times a week!
We are drawing closer to our Christmas Production which is looking great so far. Remember to bring in your costumes asap and let your teacher know if you need help with costumes.
Christmas jumper day is on Tuesday and we will be spending Tuesday morning making festive decorations to hang on our gigantic Christmas tree.
School disco is on the 12th Dec 6-7:30pm and the class party is on the 16th Dec.
Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday
Mrs Mitchell :)
Class 3LG
Week Beg 26.11.19
Congratulations to Daisy who has received 'Star of the Day' this week. Hard work, kindness and contributing to the class really do make a difference.
Congratulations to our new school councillors Seren and Elijah. Mrs Eliis was so impressed with the first meeting last week.
We were fortunate to have Miss Brerton join us for a one week placement. The children have benefitted from her support, especially with reading.
The year 3 production will now take place at Newsome High School, letters with details have been sent home. Please make sure that your child will be available for the after school performance (slip to be returned to school as soon as possible).
3EM Week 3
Can you believe it, we are half way through the 2nd half term? The children are continuing to impress me with their hard work and attitude to learning. We are so close to achieving the 150 mark on the whole class cylinder, just a few counters away from having 1 hour of playing games on laptops.
We were fortunate to have Miss Surman join us for a one week placement. She enjoyed herself so much, that she will be coming back to join us as a volunteer. A few children were tearful when she left, just shows how much impact you have over a small amount of time.
As Maths leader, I was so impressed with the children's understanding of multiplying numbers using the grid method. I hope you are ready for division next week!
Spelling and arithmetic scores are still a focus. Please spend 15 minutes learning spellings and facts with your children so that they can use and apply their knowledge in every day lessons.
The year 3 production will now take place at Newsome High School, letters with details will be sent home next week.
Enjoy the extra two days and I will see you all on Tuesday.
Mrs Mitchell :)
Class 3LG
Week Beg 18.11.19
Welcome to Miss Huggett who is on placement from college this week. The children have benefitted from her support, especially with reading.
Congratulations to Aminah, Cassara, Harry, Charlie and Amelia, who have all received 'Star of the Day' during the last couple of weeks. Hard work, kindness and contributing to the class really do make a difference.
We finally got outside this week for PE. Although a little chilly, at least it was dry! Please check that your child has a full PE kit in school, including a sweatshirt and leggings/tracksuit bottoms. The children were developing their football skills and all made progress with dribbling a ball. We also started a dance theme this week and the children made excellent Roman soldiers preparing for battle.
3EM Week 2
The Black History Month competition work is now up on display in the year 3 corridor. I am so pleased with the effort that went into the project.
Rehearsals have started and it is looking great! Parents and carers you are in for a treat on Wednesday 11th December.
Spellings scores have increased and don't forget to practise your times tables. Well done to Sheikhomar and Burhaan for moving onto their 8 times tables.
The boys are half way through to achieving their times table glow in the dark band.
Congratulations to our new school councillors Mathilda and Tyren. Mrs Eliis was so impressed with the first meeting today. There is a Pudsey Bear colouring in competition. Please bring these in by next Thursday.
Pride in presentation is a focus and I hope to send more children to see Miss Fraser next week.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday :)
Class 3LG Wk Beg 11.11.19
Rehearsals have begun this week for our Christmas production. It is early days, but enthusiasm has been in abundance! Please help your child to learn the lyrics of the songs and if their lines if they have a speaking part.
Children are loving listening to the story of George's Marvellous Medicine, which we are reading whilst Roald Dahl features as our author this term.
In literacy we are looking at newspapers. Please encourage children to have a look at newspaper articles and ask them to identify some features. First News is a newspaper written for children, although articles within the Examiner will also have features we have been looking at too.
3EM Autumn 2 week 1
Wow, what a busy week!
The children have worked hard during assessment week and some children were actually disappointed that it was over!
The Black History Month competition ended today and we had some fantastic efforts. Well done to our two finalists, Evelyn and Mohsin.
Over half the class achieved full marks in arithmetic but only 3 made the super spellers board. Class counters for
will be awarded for an improvement.
Keep up the hard work!
Year 3 Wk Beg 4.11.19
On Tuesday children auditioned for our Christmas production. Well done to everyone who had the courage to put themselves forward. Children will know by the end of the week their role in the production.
Assessments are taking place this week. These will help us plan the next steps in Literacy and Numeracy.
3LG Wk Beg 4.11.19
Well done to the children who learnt their spellings during the half term holiday. We had 9 Super Spellers this week, who got full marks!
3EM week 8
The children have completed the first half term and should be proud of themselves.
In honour of Black History Month, the children researched about the famous Alice Coachman, a dedicated and determined high jumper.
We are also holding a competition, where the children can find out information about another famous black leader and present their findings as they wish. The deadline is Friday 8th November 3:15pm. Prizes will be awarded to the best effort made.
Yesterday, the children were rewarded with a cinema experience for achieving 1000 dojos over the half term. After half term, dojos will be replaced with counters to fill a container.
Homework over the half term is to read every day for 15 minutes, learn arithmetic facts and spellings.
Spelling tests will now take place on Fridays.
Have a lovely and safe half term break and we will see you all on Monday 4th November 2019.
3EM week 6
This week the children have been working hard understanding properties of 3D shapes. I was particularly impressed with their attempts of making 3D shapes. Even though this was tricky, they had lots of fun.
13 children achieved full marks on their arithmetic facts test WOW!
In PE the children have been practising how to balance on mats and then onto apparatus. We have a lot of have some flexible athletes!
Next week, the children will be painting Roman designs onto a vase.
At the end of the half term, children will be going home with a copy of the Christmas production script. Auditions will be held after the half term.
3LG Spellings
We had 6 super spellers this week, who got full marks this week. Please practise this week's spellings ready for our test on Monday.
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
to we go afraid praise |
waist claim praise complaint afraid circle complete consider continue decide |
Congratulations to Elizabeth, Thomas, Charlie, Mackenzie and Ruby for completing some amazing Roman themed homework.
week 3
The children now have their username and passwords for TTRS and are ready to compete. Battle of the bands started yesterday and will finish at the end of the Autumn term.
This week, the children have been learning a song, "Just like a Roman". The actions are fun and easy to learn.
We certainly have some Mathematicians in our class. This week, we have been learning how to add numbers mentally and then using a number line.
In English, the children will be learning how to write a character description, we hope to share those next week.
It's week 2 and the children are still working really hard.
Well done to those children who achieved 10/10 on the spelling and arithmetic facts!
3EM have already achieved their dojo target of 1000 for the half term reward of a movie and popcorn.
The mosaics are looking fantastic and we should be finished by next week.
Remember Outdoor PE is on Monday and Indoor PE is on Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend
First week in year 3!
Year 3 have settled into Junior School smoothly. It's clear from their attitude to learning and behaviour that they were more than ready for Junior School.
Well done for remembering to bring in your planners, learning your spellings and arithmetic facts and keeping a log of the books you have been reading at home and at school.
So far, I have seen some amazing pieces of ART/DT work for the Roman Holiday Project. Don't worry, you still have three weeks to enter.
Next week, we hope to have our first ICT lesson, where you will receive a username and password and login details for TTRS.
Keep up the hard work year 3!