Here are some examples of our 'Teacher Pleaser' mug designs, created to hold a beverage and biscuit for teachers. Children experimented with grouping objects and creating holes without creating leaks!
Here are some examples of the pencil pot tidy projects. Children had to create objects to set dimensions.
Here are some examples of our key ring project. Children positioned objects on different work planes and experimented with duplicating and rotating objects.
In this unit, Year 5 used the computing skills they had learnt to create a new vector drawing using some of the following techniques:
Mason Stead Hafsah Ali
Joel Shotter Parsa Norouzi
Taya Blackburn
In this unit In this lesson, children looked at the effect that different colours and filters had on an image. They adapted photos, choosing appropriate effects to fit a scenario.
Sam Shotter
Yasin Samad
Mathilda Mwamba
Sheikhomar Janko