On 1st March 2021, all classes took part in HSBC online financial education workshops via Zoom.
Year 3: The Lost Purse
This session looked at the various ‘plastic’ cards that are used to pay for things. Children met Mrs Thrifty and Mr Spendalot to explore some wise spending choices.
Year 4: European Tour
The children in Year 4 joined Camilla in her virtual travels on a European tour. They helped her to plan her trip and built on language skills as well as exploring spending money in another currency.
Year 5: Sporting Chance
This session explored how easy it can be to get ‘carried away’ spending money through not considering all the added extras involved in a day out. Children had the opportunity to plan a day out to see their team play and look at what choices they could make to keep in budget.
Year 6: World of Work
This session helped children make links between work, money and future lifestyle goals. This session explored earnings, deductions and the choices we make around spending and our lifestyle.