Our fabulous kitchen team cook fresh lunches every day. If your child has a special dietary requirement or has an allergy to any food items, please let the team in the office at school know and they will liaise with our catering staff to ensure your child's needs are catered for.
If you are concerned in any way about quality or quantity of food your child is eating please contact us and we can put you in touch with Mrs Cook our Senior Lunchtime Supervisor who will be able to monitor the situation and report back to you about what your child is eating.
We expect lunchtimes to be a shared, enjoyable and sociable experience where children can choose where they sit and who they sit with. We will always expect to see good manners at the table and the use of cutlery is our norm. Children will be expected to tidy away their plates and scrape off any left over food before going out to play with their friends.
Children bringing sandwiches to school can throw their wrappers away but we encourage them to take home any uneaten food so that you can see what they have eaten or left. Sometimes children really don't like what is in their lunchbox so when this happens we will pop a little note in to advise you.
Water is always available at lunchtime, as is a salad bar.
We use Parent Pay to collect payments for lunches and it is your responsibility to ensure your account has sufficient funds available before a lunch is taken. If you encounter financial difficulties please don't let the Parent Pay debt grow, come and advise us and we can discuss options available to you. We reserve the right to refuse a school lunch if a debt is evident and you have not made contact. We will then expect you to provide a sandwich lunch for your child until such a time the debt is cleared.