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Our School Uniform

Our uniform is stocked at Term Time Wear and Natasha’s.  The uniform consists of:

  • A grey skirt/pinafore, shorts or trousers (tailored uniform wear - no leggings/jogging bottoms please)
  • A navy polo shirt
  • A royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Navy school fleece (no hoods)
  • Grey or white socks
  • A pale blue checked summer dress when the weather allows


We recommend that sensible sturdy black footwear is worn so that the children can work safely indoors and outdoors.  Children should know how to tie bows before they wear lace-up shoes for school. Shoes should be completely black, avoiding different coloured soles or logos.




Children can come to school in their PE Kit on PE Days. This consists of:


  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts 


We also advise that children bring black tracksuit/jogging bottoms when the weather gets colder as we use our outdoor space for delivering the PE curriculum.  Children should have black trainers in school for when working outdoors but they will work in bare feet in the Hall.





Cloakroom space is very limited so children should only bring a book bag for their water bottle (plain water with sports cap lid please), daily planner and reading book/homework.


Children will be using the woodland area frequently. Parents and Carers will be informed when wellies and waterproof jackets are needed. Wellies should be stored in a named plastic bag and hung up in the welly-shed at the start of the day.


Children do not need to bring in pencil cases as we will provide everything needed during the school day. Please can these remain at home.


Hair, Make Up, Jewellery and Nail Varnish



Parents should avoid 'extreme' hair cuts and unnecessary colouring of their child's hair. Natural colour and sensible hair cuts are strongly recommended.


Children should not wear make-up, coloured nail varnish, nail decorations or false nails to school. Please save these for the holidays and weekends.


If you are contemplating piercing your child’s ears, we would advise that this is done at the start of the summer break so they have plenty of time to heal.


If your child wears earrings they should only wear studs. Hoop type earrings must not be worn as there is a high likelihood that they can get caught and cause damage to a child’s earlobes.  Earrings must be removed by the children themselves for all PE sessions and for swimming. Please teach your child how to do this as staff are not able to remove children’s earrings or apply micro-porous tape.

No other jewellery or elaborate headbands should be worn.

Kirklees Uniform Exchange



Uniform Exchange aims to encourage the people of Kirklees to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than putting them in the bin. There are many families across Kirklees who no longer receive a school uniform grant and would benefit from your generosity. A school uniform exchange box is available in the school entrance.


To request free school uniform, please follow the link below:
