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Class 5KH

11.2.21 Look at this amazing setting description that some children working in school wrote today.


We have been thinking about Internet Safety again in class today. It is really important that we keep reviewing this topic, especially at the moment when so many people are spending so long online. Children in class spoke openly about their own experiences of working and playing online. We discussed how they had gone to a trusted adult for support on occasions when they felt unsure.

Why don't you create posters a poster to let other people know how to stay safe online?

Find out more at





Thursday 26th November


This afternoon we have  been extremely busy in the wild area making Anglo-Saxon Villages.  The children worked well in teams, planning and collecting resources for their work independently .  We had hot chocolate and biscuits to keep us warm. I hope you enjoy looking at your child's finished village.


This week is Anti-bullying week. We discussed what 'bullying' means and what we can do if we are aware it is taking place. We talked about the difference between being a bystander and being an upstander. Let's try to look after each other as best as we can.


There are further links below to explore at home if you wish:

11.11.20 Having discussed the importance of Remembrance Day, we designed and painted some stones.


It is Internet Safety Week in school this week. Before half-term we completed a number of lessons relating to staying safe on the internet. They followed these 5 themes: Think before you share; Check it's for real; Protect your stuff; Respect each other; and When in doubt, discuss. We used the information and game that you will find if you follow this link:

Today we summarised the things we have learnt, watched a video and played a game from the Think u know site.

30.9.20 Look at this document to see photos of the drama we did in RE this week.

25/9/20 In our RE lessons, we are discussing Forgiveness and Reconciliation. I'm sure you will agree that these are essential attributes in order for everyone to live harmoniously within our community.

Our Curriculum Newsletter. This document is an overview of the topics we plan to teach this term.

Everyone in Year 5 brings their own special skills and talents to our team. It's so great to have everyone back and contributing to our school community.
