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Year 4

Wow I cannot believe it is the end of term already. You have all worked incredibly hard over these strange times and I know you will all have a fantastic time in year 5. Make sure you spend some time outside as well as playing your computer games over Summer, the fresh air will do you good.

Have a fabulous summer, Miss Garside blush



This week in Literacy I would like you to write me an adventure story. It can be about anything you like. Remember to use punctuation and Wow words. 



I have added a couple of chapters onto purple mash, please read them carefully and answer the questions 


Hello lovely year 4's.  I can't believe it is nearly the end of term. I will be moving to a new school in September. Have a fantastic summer and a great start when you return as year 5's! 4GI - I have left a little message on the Class 4GI page - please go and check it out! 

Take care

Mrs Ireland

Week beginning 6th July

Wow can you believe we are already 6 days into July? Where has the time gone. I hope you’re all keeping well and helping out at home. Only 2 weeks left now until Summer and a well-deserved break!


SPaG week

Monday: Adding and correctly use the suffixes -er, -ing, -est, -ed and -y. I want you to have ago at every challenge. Don’t forget when copying words down they must be spelt correctly

Tuesday: Exploring synonyms and antonyms. To understand what synonyms and antonyms are and how they can improve your writing. Have ago at each task.

Wednesday: There will be a test for you to complete on


This week in reading we are focusing on retrieval and inference. Please use the word documents below.

Thursday: Big Ben gets a bath

Friday: Opening night



This week we are revisiting adding and subtracting 4d numbers. Don't forget Fridays are dedicated to topmarks and TT Rockstars

Week commencing 29th June


Good morning everyone! I hope you’re all having a sunny start to your new week. Don’t forget to take time out to spend with your family, doing exercise, listen to music or a lovely walk in the fresh air. Most importantly make sure you keep safe, Miss Garside.

This week in Literacy we will be writing a description.


Watch the video ‘The Catch´ you may need to scroll down to find the video, make sure you click the right one its about a man fishing and a cheeky little fox.  I want you to create an emotions graph tracking the boys emotions through these events in the story. 
    - Waiting with anticipation for the first catch, 
    - The distress caused by seeing the injured fox,
    - Anger at the fox stealing the fish, 
    - Chasing the fox,
    - Surprise and excitement at seeing the giant fish, 
    - Trying to catch it, 
    - The catch at the end.


Today I would like you to plan a character description for the fox. Watch the video again and take notes on his appearance, personality and movements. Use this video to help recap


You are going to write your fox character description. This about your language choice, can you use wow words? Remember you can use a thesaurus to help discover new and exciting language.


Character description – how to find facts reading comprehension   


Character description – inference


This week we are going to be revisiting negative numbers and Roman numerals.  Don’t forget the remaining Friday’s before summer are dedicated to TT Rockstars and topmarks.

Week commencing 22nd June


Hi lovely year 4, this week we will be continuing with poetry. Normally, during this term we take part in the ‘off by heart’ completion. This is going to be one of your tasks this week.


Today I would like you to have ago at writing your own ‘Villainous verse’. Go through the link, watch the videos and complete activity 1 and 3 only. Remember you can always send them to your class email for us to look at.


Have ago at this poetry quiz on expanded noun phrases.


Off by heart! Today I would like you to learn a poem off by heart, it is completely up to you which one you learn but I would like you to perform it to someone in your family, it could even be your pet! Go through the link to help get you going.


Poetry reading comprehension – word meaning


Poetry reading comprehension – Language


This week we are continuing with money. I have decided that the remaining Friday’s before summer will be dedicated to TT Rockstars and topmarks.

Other subjects

Computing- how do search engines work?

French – family and hobbies -

History – Can you write using Egyptian hieroglyphs? use the word document below for links to videos and the hieroglyphs yo will use to write. 

There will be two other activities on purple mash.


Other Subjects

Alongside your literacy and maths each day, we would like you to complete one of the topic based tasks each day. You can do them in any order you like.


Science – learn all about the digestive system and teeth!

French – learn how to say different items of clothes and food in French

Art- learn how to draw an Egyptian scarab beetle.

PSHE and Geography will be on Purple mash 




Week Commencing Monday 15th June

Hi year 4, I hope you had a lovely and relaxing weekend. Hopefully the sun will come back soon! Make sure you’re taking time to do something you enjoy, my little boy and I have enjoyed listening to the different bird songs and calls.

Don’t forget listening to music is a great way to relax and allows you to have a boogie at the same time. You could also do Joe Wicks at 9am every morning. Remember it’s important to get outside when you can and breath some of that lovely fresh air.


If you require support or want to show me what you have been doing, please email the school office. 

Miss Garside smiley


Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking at different styles of Poetry. We are going to be focusing on Kennings and Haikus this week, two styles we know you’re all fabulous at.

There will be three days of literacy work and two days of reading activities.


Can you create a kenning about the Egyptians? Remember these are noun-verb phrases that give you clues to what the poem is about. Have a look through the PowerPoint to boost your memory. Can you guess mine?

Stone - building

Triangle - rising

Awe – inspiring                  


Haiku day one. Go through the PowerPoint slides, stopping when your reach Wednesday. We are focusing on interpretation and visualisation. Remember you may see it different to your adult but that is okay, we all have our own unique imaginations. The task is provided on the PowerPoint.


Haiku day two. Go through the PowerPoint slides, starting from the slide named Wednesday. Today you will be developing and writing your own Haiku. Use the slides to help create ideas

Example: Fresh air after rain

Pyramids drip heavily

The Nile is topped up

The link below has some examples of poems about the Egyptians to give you a bit of inspiration.


Read through the diary of Pirate Blunderbeard. Remember it is okay to not understand every word in a story, a good reader asks what words mean.

Once you have read the story, use a dictionary (could be online if you don’t have one to hand) to find the definitions of these words I have picked out from the story. If you found some of the words tricky, you could also write them down and find out their definitions.







Reread the dairy of Blunderbeard and have a go at answering the comprehension questions I have attached. Remember to write in full sentences and to use evidence from the text.


This weeks focus is money. I have decided that the remaining Friday’s before summer will be dedicated to TT Rockstars and topmarks.

Other Subjects

Alongside your literacy and maths each day, we would like you to complete one of the topic based tasks each day. You can do them in any order you like, however this week it may be easier if you do history before the DT lesson. 


Literacy – Week beginning 8th June


I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. This week we’re going to finish writing up our research on why the River Nile was incredibly important to the Ancient Egyptians.

Today you are going to write your second paragraph. Remember to use wow sentences,  think carefully about punctuation and sentence starters.

Example starter: The ancient Egyptians were extremely reliant on the Nile not only to provide fertile land but it was essential for trade.


It is time to write your final paragraph.

Remember I am looking for WOW sentences. Here is an example of how you could improve  your sentence structure.

Basic sentence: The Egyptians would fish on the Nile.

Instead you could put … The Nile offered an abundance of food to the Egyptians. Not only did it provide rich, black silt that fertilised the soil but the river flowed with delicious fish. 


Edit and improve  (Green pen/any colour you have)

Today you are going to go through your last 2 paragraphs. Can you improve your spelling? Have you remembered to use punctuation? Have you used WOW adjectives/adverbs/verbs. Remember you could use an online thesaurus to find a range of synonyms.

Once you have edited your writing, can you write a conclusion which summarises what you have discovered about the importance of the Nile. It does not have to be long, just a few sentences.

Example sentence starter: The River Nile played a pivotal part in the daily lives of the Ancient Egyptians…


Homophones  - There, Their and They’re

Work your way through the ppt and have ago at the work sheet provided.


I have added a quiz for you to have ago at on

Morning year 4,

Hope you are all well and still getting outside in the rain! If not, I don't blame you really - you can always read by the window wrapped in your duvet all cosy and warm. Have a look on purple mash for work this week and keep going on TT Rockstars.  Also don't forget you can do maths and literacy work on the BBC bitesize daily lessons page.

Have a good week.

Mrs.Hitchen x


Welcome back year 4! 

I hope you all had a very relaxing week off, how lucky are we that it has been such beautiful weather. 


This weeks maths focus is shape and angles, please have a go at each day's work. Remember red sheet = not confident, blue = confident and orange = challenge me! The answers to the worksheets are on the very last page, please don't cheat you can all do it smiley



Literacy – Week beginning 1.06.20

This week in literacy we are going to be researching information in order to write all about The River Nile and why it was important to the Ancient Egyptians.


In your literacy book or a piece of paper, split the page into 4 sections like shown below. Today you will research information for your Introduction and one other topic.

The River Nile


This should include information about the Nile e.g. where is it located? How long is it?


As well as an researching information for your introduction, you need to decide on 3 different areas to research e.g farming; food, transport; religion.

I have attached a PowerPoint with some information to help get you started but I know you are all fantastic at using safe internet sites to find further information. You could type into google ‘Why was the River Nile so important to the Ancient Egyptians.’ Remember Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information.


Continue your research. Choose two different areas to research, remember the more you find out the easier it will be to write it up later in the week.


Today you are going to have ago at writing up your introduction. Remember we are writing in the past tense because you are explaining something that happened in the past. Can you use any of the conjunctions, adverts or sentence starters in your introduction?

Causal conjunctions

Causal conjunctive adverbs

Causal sentence starters


so that


As a result



For this reason

This meant that

This caused

The result of this was


Example: The River Nile played an incredibly important part in the day to day lives of the Ancient Egyptians.  At over 4000 miles long, it is the longest river in the world and remains crucial for sustaining life in the inhospitable deserts of Egypt today.


Paragraph one – have a go at writing up one of your research areas. I have chosen to look at the importance of flooding. Below is an example of how you can use the table to create WOW sentences.

Causal conjunctions

Causal conjunctive adverbs

Causal sentence starters


so that


As a result



For this reason

This meant that

This caused

The result of this was


A very boring sentence = The River Nile flooded every year.

Here is how you could improve it…

The River Nile flooded every year so that there was enough water to grow crops.

The River Nile flooded every year. As a result, there was enough water to grow crops.

The River Nile flooded every year. This meant that there was enough water to grow crops.



Edit and improve  (Green pen/any colour you have)

Today you are going to go through your first 2 paragraphs. Can you improve your spelling? Have you remembered to use punctuation? Have you used WOW adjectives/adverbs/verbs. Remember you could use an online thesaurus to find a range of synonyms.

Remember to visit Purple Mash, there are new science and computing blocks ready for you to complete.

WEEK 5 History (18.5.20)

Take a look at this image below. What clues are there to suggest that this image is more than 100 years old? Can you list 5 different things?



What clues are there to tell you these streets are less than 10 years old? List 5 things



On your daily walk, around the house or your street can you spot anything that could be older than 100 or younger than 10? Use a camera to take pictures.

Look for examples of buildings, houses, street furniture and general artefacts that have there for more than 100 years or less than 10 years

You have to state what your evidence is.

More than 100 years

Less than 10 years






Hi lovelies, 

hope you are all keeping safe. I have been very impressed with how hard you have all been working. I loved reading Sophie's story, Glen's information powerpoint and receiving Arthur and Alfie's wonderful Sarcophagus drawings. 

Keep it up and hopefully I will see you all soon.

Miss Garside :)

Hi year 4 Mrs.Hitchen here,

Firstly - wow and well done to Mason Lee and Oliver Baylis who have emailed great stories to me. Don`t forget to send yours in when you have finished.  It is great to see so many of you completing work on, Purple Mash and TT Rockstars. Keep up the hard work.  If you are struggling do not worry you can always email the office and I will help you.

Stay safe x


Hello Mrs Ireland checking in with you!  I am missing seeing your lovely smiling faces in class and thinking about you all lots.  Keep up the good work at home, I know it must be strange not being able to see all your family an friends.  My children have started sending emails to people to see how they are doing, maybe you could get in touch with someone you are missing and let them know you are thinking of them.  Take care all of you x

WEEK 4 (11.5.20)


Use the following internet links to help you find out more about archaeologists

Once you’ve watched these clips and read the description above, set out 15 things you know about archaeologists in your home learning book.

10 things I now know about archaeologists




















Week Commencing 11th May

We hope you are all keeping safe and well and were able to enjoy the bank holiday on Friday in remembrance of VE day.  Please keep checking Purple Mash for new work/spellings and remember to send in your fairy tales that you did last week.  Well done to Florence and Glen who have already sent in some absolutely amazing work!  Remember to go to TT Rockstars and try to improve your score or try topmarks and Hit the Button of you want a change.  As always we hope you keep reading everyday!  Some work to get you started for this week is below:



The ancient Egyptians measured time and were the first people to divide both the night and day into 12 equal parts, which gave us the 24 hour day. They had several ways of using the shadows cast by the Sun to tell the time.  Ancient Egyptian religion said that the Sun god Ra travelled across the sky in the daytime and was swallowed by the goddess Nut a night and reborn from her at dawn


Find a sunny point outside and dig a stick into the ground pointing upright.. Note the position of the Sun and draw round the shadow of the stick every hour on the hour. How do the shadows change? Is it the same the next day?


Challenges - Can you make a portable sundial?


What would do you need to know to tell the time using their sundial in locations other than the original stick position?

Monday 11th May – Read all about it!

Read the newspaper report of King Tut’s murder.  Write down and look up and write down the definition of words you don’t know using a dictionary.

In your home school book write down what you think the key features are of a newspaper report – what should they contain? E.g. an interesting/captivating headline.  

. Look at the different colours the text is written in.

  • Topic sentences – underlined
  • Structural features – e.g. headline, by line, quotes – brown
  • Sentence signposts/ connectives – shocking pink
  • Detail to illustrate points - green
  • Technical language, specific to newspaper - blue


Tuesday 12th May – Spread the news

Re-read the article, come up with movements and actions to help you memories the content.  Practice and act it out, re-telling the article to someone in your house who has not read it. 

The purpose of using actions is to add a multi sensory approach to the story learning process; the more this story is processed in the mind in different ways, the more memorable it becomes.

Some suggestions are:

Key connective/phrase

Suggested action


Pointing over shoulders


Cupped left hand then right


Killing movements

Earlier in the day

Taping on watch


Rolling hands


Sleep on hands

In the early hours

Waking up/tired


Shocked look

Raised alarm

Act shouting help


Point to the left


Point finger

It is a well known fact

Tap on open hand


Shrug and open hands


Wipe brow

Washing robes

Act out washing

Needless to say

hand on hip

Spoke to our reporter/said that

Point to side of mouth


Kung fu punctuation

It is believed

Tap side of head



Wednesday 13th May – Upside down pyramid

News stories are often structured like a pyramid, the most important features are at the top e.g. the headline and introduction, followed by the details which get less important.  Can you break down the content into your own pyramid?  Draw a pyramid and add the detail in these layers (top to bottom):



Important facts - who, what where, when, why?

Additional information – e.g. how a character feels (Commander Aye or the servent)

Final paragraph - often acts as a pointer – an end that suggests direction story may take


Thursday 14th May – Breaking News!

You are now the news reporter – watch the following clip and note down the key facts:


Who/what is the clip about?

What happens who, what where, when, why?

Additional information – e.g what obstacles have to be overcome?

Additional information – e.g. how the character feels

Final outcome – what might happen now?


This is your planning you are not writing the news article (yet..!)


Friday 15th May - New news just in!

Re-watch the clip and look at the notes you made yesterday.  Your job today is to write a news article that captures the readers’ interest in the story.  Remember to look at the key features you identified on Monday that a newspaper article should contain and think about the pyramid structure:



Important facts - who, what where, when, why?

Additional information – e.g. how a character feels (Commander Aye or the servent)

Final paragraph - often acts as a pointer – an end that suggests direction story may take


Remember we love to see what you have been doing so if you can please let the office have a copy of your article!

We love seeing what you get up to. This is a fantastic bug hotel made by Arthur and Alfie and their brother. Well done boys.

Morning Year 4,

Hope you are all safe and well.  We have set some more work for you this week.  Have a go and see what you can complete.  Don't forget to read every day and do some exercise.  Yesterday I went for a walk with Lucas and his dad around the streets of Golcar ! We counted rainbows in windows and found 16.  How many can you spot around where you live?  Have you made a rainbow and put it in your window?

Bye for now - have a good week and remember to be good



Literacy - Week 3

This week is the week Mrs Ireland, Mrs Hitchen and Miss Garside have been looking forward to - it is time to write your fairy tale.  Follow the steps below and please, please, please send in your finished fairy tales for us to read!


Monday – Plan your story

Build your own plot pyramid!  Re-draw a large pyramid in your exercise book and divide into 6 levels again with the following layers from base to top.  Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.  Write in an example for each layer that relates to the fairy tale you want to tell:


Exposition = Initial setting, characters, basic information

Inciting Incident = What events happen to set the tale in motion?

Rising Action = How is the tension built?

Climax = The exciting point!

Falling Action = What happens after the climax?

Resolution = How does it end?


Tuesday – Start your big write!

Look at your planning, expand your ideas and write the beginning of your fairy tale.  Remember to use your hero and villain characters and really describe the setting.  Keep the reader interested with suspense.  Cover all the ideas you have come up with in your exposition, inciting incident and rising action sections of your planning pyramid.  Use full sentences, powerful adjectives.  Can you make your first sentence start with a fronted adverbial? Below are some tips on writing fairy tales:


  1. Include words like, “Once upon a time” and “Happily ever after”.
  2. Things happen in threes or sevens – It’s a common fairy tale tradition. This could relate to characters, events or places. For example the seven dwarfs in snow white or the three little pigs.
  3. Send your hero on a quest or journey and show the changes to them on their behaviour and personality on the way.
  4. Common fairy tales follow the Good vs. Evil story plot.
  5. Villains or evil characters are punished for their acts and the hero is rewarded in some way.
  6. The challenge or obstacle your heroes faces must be impossible to overcome without the help of a magical character or some special abilities. For example only true love could breaks beast’s curse in Beauty and The Beast.



Wednesday – And they all lived happily ever after…

Or do they?  Today you need to conclude your fairy tale.  Look at your planning again, re-read what you have done so far and write your climax, falling action and resolution. Remember to use powerful year 4 vocabulary with lots of adjectives and adverbs.  Connect short sentences together with conjunctions.


Thursday – Edit, improve and illustrate

Your job today is to edit and improve your fairy tale.  Read what you have written, look for any missing words.  Can you use a thesaurus to use synonyms and make your vocabulary more powerful? 


Friday – Final version

Can you write it up in neat, with your best handwriting including the improvements you made yesterday?  If you can send it to us that would be brilliant, you can scan or take photos or even type it up and send your fairy tale to us.  If you can please use the email  We would love to see your finished fairy tales. 



The Greek historian, Herodotus, called Egypt ‘the gift of the Nile’, meaning simply that without the river there would be no Egypt. Rainfall in Egypt averages around 4cm a year so water is extremely valuable. Only the tiny strip of land by the river could be cultivated and the annual inundation of the Nile was hugely significant for the ancient Egyptians.


Imagine you are an ancient Egyptian farmer. Use some fast germinating seeds such as radish, beans or a lettuce selection (all Egyptian crops) to investigate the least amount of water needed for seeds to germinate. I have used some little gem seeds which I got for £0.99 online. Put dry sand (or soil) in five containers to about 1cm deep. Count out or weigh equal amounts of seed and scatter over the sand/soil. Add no water to the first dish, 20cm3 to the second, 40cm3 to the third and so on. Check every day for signs of growth.


Questions to answer in your home learning book:

Can seeds germinate with very little water? Which seed pot grew the best? How did the Egyptian farmers overcome the problems of lack of water in the fields?

WEEK 3 - Art

The Sarcophagus is a vital part of ancient Egyptian funerary rites. Its purpose was to protect the body, preserving it from deterioration or damage. A sarcophagus was also used to hold the coffin in the tomb. In Egyptian language, the sarcophagus might be called neb ankh (possessor of life).


They were mainly designed to remain above ground, which is why they were often ornately carved, decorated or elaborately constructed. Some were built to be freestanding, as a part of a tomb, while others were intended for placement in crypts. They served as efficient external layer protectors of the royal mummy.

The Egyptian Sarcophagus of King Tutenkhamun was made of yellow quartzite. It contained three gold coffins nested within each other. Inside the final coffin was the mummy of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.


This week, I would like you to sketch in detail a Sarcophagus of your choice. Make sure you look at the intricate detail on each one. Remember sketching means tickling the page with your pencil. Please don’t rush your sketches, it doesn’t matter if it takes a few days or even a few attempts for you to be happy with it. 

Here is a link to a youtube video that talks you through your sketching:


I have added a guided reading pack about an Egyptian Diary.  Have a read and answer a few questions each day if you can. 

Hi 4KH

I have put some more work on Purple Mash and for you.  Don't forget you can do the interactive maths games on classroom secrets.  BBC bitesize has some good lessons every day too.

Stay safe and be good



New spellings for next week have been set for 4GI on Purple Mash - well done to everyone that completed the work set before Easter.  It is fantastic to see so many of you working so hard!


Next weeks literacy is ready below too if you want a sneak peek!


Now that you are familiar with the Egyptian Cinderella, this week you are going to plan your own fairytale.  Next week you will write and illustrate it as a full story.


Monday 27th April- Create your hero and villain

Use the character description template to plan your hero and villain. What do they look like, personality traits, actions, how do they change over time? Can you draw what they look like?

Some common traits for your hero or heroine could be kind, humble, innocent and kind-hearted. They must be someone that your reader could relate to and feel something for. Therefore it is a good idea to make your main character a normal, everyday person who could change throughout the story. Think about Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk or Snow White. 

A fairy tale without a villain would be pretty boring. Create an evil character to test your heroes’ abilities and cause them some pain. The villain in fairy tales in normally the source of conflict. For example they might stop your hero from achieving their goals or hurt them in some way. Some common villains, include the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella’s step mother or the evil queen.


Tuesday 28th April - Describe the setting

Different settings can create different moods in your fairy tale. For example a nice little cottage in a forest is the perfect place to create a cosy, warm feeling. While a gloomy castle might set the scene of a dark, gothic fairy tale. Other example of common settings in fairy tales include an enchanted forest or a royal palace. When choosing your setting you can also choose the time period of your fairy tale. Common fairy tales were set in the 18th or 19th century, but what if your fairy tale was set in the future?  Make sure your setting reflects an element of our new topic – Egyptians. Use lots of powerful adjectives to describe so the reader can really picture the setting in their head e.g. the weather, what your characters can see, hear, smell, touch.


Wednesday 29th April - Think about the moral

Decide on your fairy tales moral. Write down what the moral of your story will be, what is the message you want to send?  What do the characters learn? Is there a reason why you choose this?

A moral is an important lesson your reader learns when they finish reading a story. For example the moral of Cinderella is showing kindness to everyone, no matter how they treat you. It is her kindness that wins the Prince over and helps her to live happily ever after.


Thursday 30th April – Add the magical element

Magic is the best part of any fairy tale. It is the magical element that guides your hero and helps them get their happy ending. Think about the fairy godmother’s role in Cinderella or the Genie in Aladdin. When creating your magical element, use the “What if” technique. What if the teapot could talk? What if the cat had magical powers? This is a useful technique to help you think outside the box and create some really magical elements for your fairy tale. Remember any everyday object can have magical powers in a fairy tale.

Write down your “what if” ideas that you will use when you write your fairytale.


Friday 1st May – What is the happy ending?

The most important part of your fairy tale is a happy ending. All fairy tales end in happy endings, so what is yours? Think about how the conflict in the fairy tale is resolved or how does the villain get defeated? For example in Cinderella, the glass slippers fits her foot or in the Ugly Duckling, the duck turns into a beautiful swan.  Can you use new vocabulary e.g. instead of “they lived happily ever after” can you use a thesaurus to find a synonym for happy?

Good morning my lovelies! 


I hope everyone has had a fabulous week, stayed safe and managed to get out into the beautiful sunshine. In these very strange times listening to music can really lift your mood, I certainly love dancing around my living room with my little boy. Here is a song we're loving lately 


Have a fabulous weekend with your family,

Love Miss Garside 

Morning everyone,

Today is Earth Day so here are a few things you could do to celebrate...

1. Go on a family walk and collect natural objects in a bag.  When you get home make some art from what you collected.

2. Go on a scavenger hunt - make a list of 20 things you think you will find and tick when you see them,  how many rainbow pictures in windows can you find?

3. Lie on your back in the garden or driveway and see what pictures you can make from the clouds.

4. Pick a flower and draw a picture of it when you get back.

5.  Sit on your doorstep and write a list of the sounds you can hear.

6.  Write an acrostic poem about our earth. Is yours better than ours?!

Energy can be made from the wind and sun.

A lot of newborn lambs to be seen

Rain pitter patters on my window, soaking the earth

The hills around Newsome are green and filled with trees

Happy times in the woods at school


Have fun whatever you choose to do

The year 4 team x




Message from Mrs.Hitchen

Still image for this video

Home Working - Year 4 classes


Hello everyone and welcome back to year 4 home working page. We all hope you have had a lovely Easter break and not eaten too many Easter eggs! Remember you can still join in the Joe Wicks exercise video on YouTube at 9.30 every morning.

We have set work for you on purple mash and  Please have a look at the activities and have a go.  You can always have another go if you want to improve your score.

Do NOT worry if you find the work tricky.  Ask an adult to help you or just do the work you can manage.

Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.

Mrs.Hitchen, Miss Garside and Mrs.Ireland



History/Geography - week 1 and 2 

Week 1 and 2 tasks


Split a page of your book in half, on one side I would like you to write what you already know about Ancient Egypt. On the other side I would like you to write questions you would like to find out. Remember it is okay if you only know a couple of things.

What I know already about the Ancient Egyptians

Questions I have about the Ancient Egyptians




For geography this week, I would like you to research the questions below on Egypt. You could present your work as a fact poster using pencil and crayons to make it colourful. Or for those tech savvy children you could create a poster using word/powerpoint.

Research to find out about Egypt’s climate and location

How far from the equator is Egypt?                                                   

What counties does it share its boarders with?

How much rain does Egypt get in a year? How much more or less is this than the UK?

How much sunshine does Egypt get in comparison to the UK?

What is the average temperature each month in Egypt?

How much of Egypt is surrounded by water?

What is the population of Egypt?

What fruits and plants grow in abundance in Egypt?

What does the Egyptian flag look like?


Exciting Egyptians!

We have a new topic for year 4 this term – the Egyptians.  I for one am excited to see what you already know and how much you will learn during the course of the term.  We will be linking work to the Egyptians where we can and continuing to set regular tasks to complete via Purple Mash, and Classroom Secrets.


We have a new competition on TT Rockstars, ‘Top of the Rocks’ – see the poster for full details!  Your TT Rockstar login also works for Numbots too if you want a change.


LITERACY - Summer Week 1 – The Power of Reading

We will be looking at a new story, which you may find similarities to a traditional tale that was performed in the hall by the visiting theatre company in January – can you remember what it was?  We will spend the first week looking at the text and breaking it down, the following week we will look to create our own fairy tale with interesting characters and a great plot!

Read the text attached:  Egyptian Cinderella


Monday 20th April – Vocabulary check.

Use a dictionary to look up the following words.  Write down the word and its definition in the context of the story in your home exercise book.  Extension - challenge yourself and come up with a new sentence that uses the word.

  • Taunted
  • Gilded
  • Pharaoh
  • Tunic
  • Chariot
  • Decree
  • Rushes
  • Pronounced
  • Papyrus


Tuesday 21st April – Sequence the story visually

Re-read the story.  Can you draw a series of pictures that helps you to remember the story.  Show your story map to someone in your house that has not read the text and retell the story to them in your own words.


Wednesday 22nd April - Similarities and differences

Write a paragraph to explain how the story is similar to Cinderella.  Write another paragraph that identifies how the story is different to Cinderella.

Here is a link to the traditional Cinderella story to help:


Thursday 24th April - Analyse for literacy devices

Today we want you to identify some literary features in the story.  Re-read the story and as you do make a table in your home exercise book that looks like this, some examples have been added to help.  Remember verbs are doing words and comparative conjunctions are used to link two ideas that are considered to be similar, some common examples are: in the same way, likewise, just as, both, and.


Feelings words

Action verbs

Comparative conjunctions examples



Their hair was straight and black while hers was golden and curly.























Friday 25th April  - Examine the structure and plot

Build your own plot pyramid!  Draw a large pyramid in your exercise book and divide into 6 levels, with the following layers from base to top.  Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.  Write in an example for each layer,  the examples given below are from the original Cinderella story, your job is to replicate for Egyptian Cinderella:


Exposition = Initial setting, characters, basic information

  • The characters are beautiful Cinderella and her two ugly step sisters.  Cinderella is made to clean the house and do all the chores

Inciting Incident = What events happen to set the tale in motion?

  • The Prince sends an invitation to his grand ball but the ugly sisters won’t let Cinderella go.

Rising Action = How is the tension built?

  • Cinderella wishes she could go to the ball and her fairy godmother appears

Climax = The exciting point!

  • Cinderella goes to the ball and dances with the Prince all evening, she has to leave at midnight without saying goodbye to the Prince.  As she goes she  loses her glass slipper.

Falling Action = What happens after the climax?

  • The Prince declares he will marry the woman who’s foot fits the glass slipper.  He searchers the entire land.

Resolution = How does it end?

  • The Prince found Cinderella, got married and they lived happily ever after.




The Egyptians used a process called mummification to preserve bodies!  Your task for science this week is to use the link below to mummify a tomato – write your observations in your home learning book, why not add a photo or a drawing of your task!


Maths this week is looking at different graphs and answering questions about them.  Please look at the power point first and then answer the questions for each day in your exercise book. When you do the worksheets you can choose to answer questions 1-3, 4-7 or 7-9.  Choose the questions that you can answer.  Don't cheat but the answers are at the bottom of the page!


Week commencing 2nd December 2019


This week we have had a fantastic week of learning.  In maths children have been learning about length and perimeter. 


In literacy we have been examining a new text called 'The Dot' which looks at a girl who thinks she can't draw and goes on to produce some fantastic art work, because she thought she could do better.  We discussed fixed and growth mind sets and that handwork, practice and thinking maybe we can goes a long way.


It was fantastic to see so many adults come to our year 4 assembly. Children showed some of the activities that they have been doing.

We have been busy creating Christmas stars to decorate our classroom and decorations for the hall tree. Can you spot your child?

We worked in pairs to perform our Kennings poem to the class. We used actions and learnt it off by heart.

Team Work. We have been working in teams to write a success criteria for our explanation texts.


There have been some fantastic letters to Abeline from Edward, updating her on his travels.  Children added details about who Edward has been with, how he has changed and how he now has feelings.  They also told Abeline of all the things that have happened on his journey so far.



Arithmetic and Maths


This half term we are focussing on multiplication and division. Each week your child will practice consolidating their skills and has the opportunity to do some extra maths at home if they wish.  


Telling the time is actually quite trick for children to grasp.  We have been working on telling the time in 5 minute intervals, using quarter past and to and also half past and o'clock.  Those children who proved that they can already tell the time did some special Halloween challenge maths. 

Year 4 spellings


Spellings this week are centering are from the year 3 and 4 spelling lists, children need to be able to spell a range of statutory words.


Children will have these in their planner to practice at home ready for their weekly spelling test.

