08.05.24- The School Council interviewed for our new deputy head teacher! On Wednesday the children took on an important task of interviewing candidates for the position. The children were AMAZING and asked the most brilliant questions. We cannot wait to find out who the successful candidate is!
18.04.24- Thank you to the School Council for setting up our disco tuckshops!
Thank you to Max, Eva, Hana, Ibti, Divine and Erica for showing around the Berry Brow year 2 children this afternoon. They did a splendid job of leading groups of children for a tour of school!
Dexter, Ciaran and Ibti were lucky enough to accompany Miss Humphries to visit Slaithwaite CE this week to deliver some stories. They had a marvellous tour of the school and met the schools resident dog, Chester!
Today we opened a very special box given to us by Mojgan. We read her story together, along with some parents/carers and collated some curiosity questions. We are very excited for the Summer term when Mojgan will be coming to visit us in school! We will also be putting our drama skills to the test and acting out her story later in the year.
Thank you to the families who joined us today, as always your support is greatly appreciated!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Today we had our first School Council meeting of 2023. We shared lots of exciting ideas for the coming term. We will keep you posted of developments on the blog
13.12.22 A big thank-you to Maya.S and Summer who stayed behind last night to help at the year 5 performance on the chocolate tombola!
As part of the Carry My Story Project we have been looking at our own identities and what makes us, us! Children were encouraged to bring in something that was personal to them and we created a safe space to talk about these items. Children then went on to write some AMAZING poems, I will share these when we have written them up in best!
Miss Humphries would like to say a HUGE thank you to the School Councillors that stayed behind after school yesterday for the Open Evening, the families who attended commented on how helpful and informative you were!
Update December 2021
1.12.21 School Council completed planting of bulbs and plants in the top playground flower bed last week.
We planted some plants which bees love, pls some which have berries and pretty leaves and flowers.
In the ground we added daffodil, tulip and grape hyacinth bulbs which (fingers crossed) will flower in late February and early March
November 2021
We welcomed some new school councillors from Year 3:
From 3EM:
Enya McDermott
Mustapha Barry
Deputy - Ishmael Matala
From 3KH:
Aveen Assad
Jae Tierman
Gracie Langstaff
Update September 2021
We have now made our donations to three charities using money raised at the bun sale.
These charities were:
The Welcome Centre
The Forget me Not Children's Hospice
The Yorkshire Children's Centre
We have also ordered a variety of new play and sports equipment for playtimes which will be arriving later this week!
Children had been keen to have a fun event to raise money for school and a charity so a Pyjama day and bun sale was organised for Friday 9th July.
This was such a happy day for all the classes. School councillors for each class organised a cake stall at break time, and lots of children from classes bought in and made cakes to sell.
The day raised £392.63. Wow!
School Council have decided to give £180 to 3 local charities. The Forget Me Not Children's Hospice, The Welcome Centre Food Bank and the Yorkshire Children's Centre.
The remaining money will be spent here in school to buy equipment for children in class and at playtimes.