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Communication and Complaints Procedure

Protocol when a concern/complaint is received


Concern/ complaint should be referred to the class teacher in the first instance. If the complaint is regarding a safeguarding matter this should be referred straight to the Headteacher. If the complaint is about the HT this should be referred straight to the Chair of Governors.


If following a discussion with the class teacher the parent is not satisfied with the response, the matter should be referred to a member of THE Senior Leadership Team (not HT in first instance) and the Headteacher should be made aware.


The member of the Senior Leadership Team should then update the HT regarding whether it has been resolved and of any actions that have been put into place. If the matter is not resolved, parents should be directed to the complaints policy on the website.


If the situation is still not resolved, the matter should be referred to the HT who will meet with the parents, investigate and then provide a written response to the parent. HT to ensure any actions are conveyed to the relevant members of staff and are in place.


If the situation is still not resolved, parent to be advised by either HT or member of the office team to put their complaint in writing and address their complaint to the Chair of Governors, using the office e-mail address. The complaint should then be e-mailed to the Chair of Governors. HT should be copied in unless the complaint is regarding the HT.

Our Federation Communication Policy and Federation Complaints Policy can be found on the Policy Tab under Key Information.
