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Absence and Attendance

The Timings of the School Day


The school day starts at 8.50am. Our gates open at 8.40am and the children come straight into school to settle into the classroom and complete a morning activity until the register is taken at 8.55am.

Children should not arrive on the school premises until 8.40am. The gates will  automatically unlock at this time to allow access into the playground and from 8.40am staff are available at the children`s entrance to take messages and ensure everyone gets off to a safe start to the day.

There is a mid morning break but children work through the afternoon without a break.


School finishes at 3.15pm and the gates will automatically unlock at 3.05pm to allow adults to collect their child from the playground where they will line up with their class. Could we politely ask that parents do not crowd the pathway from the Children's Entrance for health and safety and safeguarding reasons.


Please read our Attendance and Absence Policy for guidance on our attendance expectations and policies and procedures relating to absence.

First Day Calling Procedure


  • Class registers completed by class teacher by 9.00am and saved.
  • Late children to report to office and should be checked against registers.
  • Absence calls listened to/attendance emails checked and registers updated by administrator.
  • First day text sent to first and second name on contact list within half an hour of school start time asking for response.
  • If no response to text, a call will be made to the first name on contact list within 45 minutes of school start time. If no response, a voicemail will be left or a text to explain that the next person on the list will now be called.
  • Ring down contact list until reply is received, ensuring where possible that someone from outside of the family home has been contacted.
  • If no reply send second text and email to first and second contacts on list.
  • Alert the HT in the first instance that this child is absent and no contact has been made within an hour of school start time. 
  • HT/member of SLT to risk assess the current level of concern and consider whether circumstances warrant a home visit.
  • Home visit to be made following decision where possible by SLT or Inclusion worker or any other agency involved with the child. HT to be informed.
  • If all other stages have been completed and there is still no contact regarding the absent child, contact the Police to initiate a “safe and well” check. This should be done using the 101 number. HT to be informed.
  • If child still cannot be accounted for, complete a Child Missing in Education form. HT to be informed.