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Class 5SE

21.3.20 On our last day before closing we learned about the Cragg Vale Coiners, a group of 18th century criminals who clipped and made their own guineas. While school is closed, check out the Year 5 page each day for activity ideas to keep yourself busy!

26.2.20 During our indoor PE session, Tim came to teach us some tennis skills. We had a great time.

28.2.20 Which materials would prove to be the most effective thermal insulators?

Thank you for the great holiday homework that has already been returned to school and shared with the class. We are looking forward to seeing everyone else's contributions as you complete these tasks.


Welcome back after half-term. We hope everyone is well rested and ready for an exciting run up to the Easter holidays.


During this week we are busy completing a few assessment papers. We hope that there will be some great results that will reflect the progress that we are all making. These results will be ready to share with families at our parents' consultation meetings next week.


Our spellings this fortnight are focusing on the vowel sound ee spelt ei (e.g. achieve, caffeine, ceiling, protein). How many other words can you find that follow this spelling pattern? Add as many as you can to your homework sheets please.


In Maths, we continue to deepen our understanding of fractions and our homework relates to this.


This week we are also learning two songs in preparation for the Newsome Big Sing next Tuesday. This will be a fantastic celebration within the community. Not only will we be singing, but we will also be performing on our brass instruments. We hope to see as many people as possible there after school to enjoy this great opportunity. Please bring back the completed permission slips as promptly as possible.

14.2.20: To conlcude our Graffiti Art topic we used stencils to create repeating patterns. Mrs Ellis was wowed by our inventive ways of rotating the stencil and creative use of colour!

14.2.20 William brought his friend Herbert in to see us all today. Happy Half Term everyone!

Additionally on Transition day at the High School, we got to use real flame from a Bunsen burner to test what colours different chemicals burn!

4.2.20 In Science this week we melted chocolate and ice, scrambled an egg and mixed vinegar and baking soda. We considered which changes were reversible and which were irreversible. We recorded this work in our science books laying it out in whichever way we wanted. These are some examples of what we did.


In the run up to half term, we are going to be focusing on the spelling pattern  'ough'. This pattern can make many different sounds. Read this passage and see how many different sounds you can spot.

A rough-coated, dough faced ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.

Our statutory words are: bargain, bruise and category.

Our high frequency words are: important and children.

This week's super spellers scored full marks in their test. Well done.

4.2.20 In Literacy we are learning about writing balanced arguments. We have read and learnt the following text which discussed whether children should be allowed to eat chocolate for breakfast. What is your opinion on this?

Next we are discussing the arguments for and against children being made to play outside during their breaktimes and lunchtimes. We are going to write our own balanced arguments about this.

30.1.20 RE lesson exploring why forgiveness is important

23.1.20 In Maths we are currently working on fractions. We started the week by working in groups on these posters to discuss and demonstrate what we already know.

27.1.20 We are making some great progress in our weekly Brass lessons with Mr Brown. In order to ensure that this progress is the best that it can be, please ensure that you continue to practise at home and that you bring your instrument into school every Monday.

23.1.20 The whole school enjoyed the pantomime Cinderella on Wednesday this week!


This fortnight we are striving for spelling excellence by learning the spelling rule -ence. We are modifying last week's spellings by changing the ending (for example we are changing 'patient' to 'patience' and 'silent' to 'silence'). We are also thinking about the Characteristic for Learning "Being a Self-manager". One way we can demonstrate this characteristic is to take responsibility for learning our own spellings.

During indoor PE sessions this term we are doing circuit training (in pairs) to improve our skills and stamina. We are recording our achievements each week and then trying to beat our previous scores. In some of these photos we are moving so fast you can only just spot us!

Separating materials in our science lesson on Monday

Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter Spring

Happy New Decade from 5SE!

Our new history topic is Crime and Punishment. We will be studying the trends in Crime and Punishment from the Roman era to the 21st Century.

In Science we are looking at the materials that things in our world are made from.

We have been working hard on our column multiplication in maths this week and are making fantastic progress.

Look out for some mystery stories which we are planning to write in Literacy.


Your spelling task for this fortnight is to look at words that end in -ent. It is always correct to write ent after a soft c or soft g (for example, magnificent). It is almost always correct to write ent after qu, ti or ci (for example, frequent).


As we start a new year, we are revising the spellings for January, February and August. Remember, these proper nouns require capital letters too please.

Our statutory words are controversy, dictionary and disastrous.

18.12.19 We created these fantastic fire and silhoutte paintings using acrylic paint to depict the Blitz during WW2.
