Welcome to the page all about Art at Newsome Juniors.
The Art subject leader is Mrs Ellis and she has designed the art curriculum to work alongside our topics in History, Geography and Science.
Mrs Ellis simply loves art and being creative and she is immensely proud of all our budding artists at Newsome Juniors.
Read on below to discover how we aim to develop art at NJS and ensure that our children receive a fantastic quality of art education while they are with us!
Intent (What we aim to do...)
Art at NJS is seen as a key way for children to express their creativity.
Children see art as a valuable life tool which is linked to their enjoyment and wellbeing.
Children understand that art is both stimulating and challenging and they embrace the chance to try new things.
Children can use art to express ideas and opinions.
Children are given time to explore new methods and ideas.
Newsome Juniors is a creative hub with developing links in the community.
Implementation (How we make it happen...)
The long term lesson plans and skills progression across the school are designed to offer children the chance to learn, practice and refine their art skills during their 4 years at NJS.
A wide range of drawing and painting techniques are included.
3D art projects enable children to develop spacial and kinaesthetic art skills
The art curriculum links to the topics across school in History, Geography and Science which offer the scope for embedded learning across subjects and a deeper experience and understanding.
Lessons offer experimentation and exploration in addition to the chance to develop finished pieces.
Teachers are supported by the Art lead to develop their own art teaching, and given access to high quality resources to help them teach effectively.
Support staff are involved in the delivery of teaching aims and support of children during art lessons
Impact (What the results are...)
Art is valued and promoted at NJS
Children can describe their art journey including what they’ve enjoyed and the skills and knowledge they are developing using technical terms. They are involved in assessing their progress.
Children know that their own art style is important and valued.
Children have developed as artists during their time at school.
Children know that art is a social tool and how it is important in society.
The school has good links with the community and art is seen as a driver of wellbeing and community cohesion.